Enjoy deep sensing via ScienceBeam Biosensors

Accurate sensors, Compatible with eWave and eWave Plus devices for research and therapy


eCap Dry



sciencebeam ,ewave ,elab , neuroscience system

Ear Clips


eCap Fabric

128 channel EEG ERP for research BCI human electrophysiology ecap

eCap Flex


Recording Cable


eCap Marker



128 channel EEG ERP for research BCI human electrophysiology

LED Flash


Earth Cable


tDCS Cable

Blood volume pulse (BVP)

The BVP sensor actually measures the heart rate based on the volume of blood that passes through the tissues in a localized area with each beat of the heart. BVP is a critical parameter that can be used for Biofeedback training to control and treat tension, headaches, and migraine.

  • Available in two kinds of finger and forehead models
  • Recording HRV, BVP, and HR
  • Using an infrared transmitter and receiver
  • Connecting as multiple sensors to eWave and eWave plus

Flexible cable and connectors for EXG recording

  • 10 pin- (8 Channel EXG signal + 1 reference +1 GND)
  • 9 Pin-1X (4 channel differential EXG recording +1 GND)
  • Compatible with all types of electrophysiological signals (EEG/ECG/EMG/EOG)
#Sciencebeam #eLab #eWave #IBRO #SFN #Neuroscience


Standard, the flexible and beautiful cap for EEG/ERP and Neurofeedback recordings

  • Compatible with all type of EEG/ERP recording systems
  • Come in 3 sizes (S, M, L)
  • Quick application and easy to use
  • Durable and easy to clean
  • Designed based on 10-20 standard map brain

Ideal Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) sensor

  • Galvanic skin response (GSR) or skin conductance measures the electrical conductance of the skin, which varies depending on the amount of sweat-induced moisture on the skin.

High precision temperature sensor

  • The sensor for measuring skin temperature. The temperature of our body is related to our stress level. Having a highly precise temperature sensor, besides the other sensors of ScienceBeam, provides you a rich setup for Biofeedback therapy, e.g., increasing relaxation and reducing stress.

Wearable respiration sensor

  • Respiration monitoring is a critical parameter for Biofeedback training.
  • Our respiration sensor belt can be worn over clothing. It is also better to place it in the abdominal area.

Enjoy deep sensing via ScienceBeam biosensors

Our high accuracy sensors: Compatible with eWave and BioSense devices for research and neuro/biofeedback therapy


Excellent toy models for Neurofeedback therapy:

  • Compatible with eWave system
  • Simple to run and fun for children
  • Variety of toy models to empower your neurofeedback therapy

More Attractive Neurofeedback with eToy

The first toy model of Neurofeedback

Sciencebeam offers a novel fantastic tool to control some toys for Neurofeedback therapy. Our novelty can accelerate impact of Neurofeedback training to treatment of mental diseases.



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