CPU: i5
Memory: 4 GB
Graphic: 1024, 768
Audio: Internal or external sound card
Operating System: Windows 10, 11
eProbe provides you with a scope and a text panel to show the raw signal also its FFT power in your desired bands.
You can select one or multiple bands and see their corresponding quantities in the text panel.
By default, this panel shows the latest file that you have already recorded. However, you can change the analyzing file and other properties in the setting table.
The Game components enable clients to play video, music, movie, flash, or game.
It plays based on the client’s brain waves reflected on bar panels and according to the adjustments that you have specified.
Using this component, you can choose your desired game or movie. You also can modify the logic or rules of the game set to overcome the specific mental disease.
The Bar element calculates the square of the FFT power of the band that you have selected.
It also shows whether this value is less or more than your desired threshold, considering as a logic for the game panel. This logic is used in the game panel as a command or rule that determines how the game should play. You can see both values of the FFT power, and the threshold in the Bar panel.
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