

Brain Mapping

Powerful QEEG, ERP Recording System


Lightweight, and easy to use, User-friendly


Bluetooth wireless, 1 Mb/s, up to 10 meters


Battery (Lithium, 3.7 V), Battery Charger 5 V


Active Shielding, Safety compliance


Accurate and flexible software for data recording and analyzing bio-signals


ISO 13485, Medical CE 

eWave 24

Product Highlights

  • Fully integrated into eProbe software environment for visualization and real-time analysis.
  • 24 DC-coupled wide-range input channels able to record any type of biological signals (EEG, EMG, ECG, EOG, and connected various sensors).
  • Supports EcOG grids for cortical recording
  • An efficient ERP acquisition system
  • 24-bit resolution with simultaneous sampling of all channels
  • Easy configuration and setup with Smart Box BCI system
  • Rechargeable internal lithium battery
  • Easy configuration and setup with eBridge Simulink environment
  • Simultaneous TMS possible
  • Simultaneous tDCS possible
  • High-Frequency Oscillations (HFOs) recording possible
  • Slow Cortical Potentials (SCPs) recording possible

Quantitative electroencephalography

What Is QEEG/Brain Mapping?

A qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) is a powerful diagnostic tool that measures the electrical activity of the brain and converts it to Brain maps. This novel approach, which is an extension of the analysis of the visual EEG interpretation, can be used to help you in understanding which areas of the brain are functioning and processing efficiently or not.

qEEG is a statistical analysis procedure that processes the recorded EEG activity from a multi-channel recording system using a computer.
This multi-channel EEG data sometimes is comparing values with “normative” database reference values and commonly converted into color maps of brain functioning called Brain maps”.

QEEG/Brain Mapping

Hospital EEG

The eWave-24 is a strong and multi-module system for measuring and monitoring up to 24 EXG channels of ECG, EMG, EEG, and EOG signals simultaneously.

It enjoys innovative high precision and low noise amplifiers as well as the 24-bit ADC, which provide reliable high-quality signals by 1000 samples per second.

The eWave-24 also offers up to 24 AUX channels for peripheral bio-signals such as skin temperature, GSR, respiration, and BVP/HRV. It also has extra digital inputs for triggers to ERP research applications.

Using eWave, you can interpret the information obtained from the qEEG and use it as a clinical tool to evaluate brain function and to monitor changes in brain function due to various interventions such as Neurofeedback or medication.

The eWave system offers deep insights into brain function by measuring and analyzing EEG activity . The eWave device is integrated with the NeuroGuide software.


All in One System

Loreta Neurofeedback

LoRETA neurofeedback is a type of neurofeedback that uses a 3D image of the brain activity to guide the training. Neurofeedback is a process of teaching the brain to regulate itself better by using feedback from sensors attached to the scalp. LoRETA neurofeedback can target specific brain regions and networks that are involved in various cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functions. LoRETA neurofeedback can help with various conditions such as concussion, anxiety, depression, ADHD, eating disorders, chronic pain, insomnia, and more. LoRETA neurofeedback is also used for enhancing mental performance and well-being. LoRETA neurofeedback is based on scientific research and is approved by the FDA.

Reliable and integrated solution for All technique



EEG Hospital

Clinical Q

Loreta Neurofeedback





Quantitative Electroencephalography

A fantastic device for QEEG and Brain Mapping. Neuroguide EDF Output Compatible with Neuroguide software. You’re able to analyze eWave24’s data in Neuroguide software.

Brain Mapping

Using eWave, you can interpret the information obtained from the qEEG and use it as a clinical tool to evaluate brain function and monitor changes in brain function due to various interventions such as Neurofeedback or medication. The eWave system offers deep insights into brain function by measuring and analyzing EEG activity at 19 locations. The eWave device is integrated with the NeuroGuide software.
Hospital EEG


User-friendly and wireless Montage means the placement of the electrodes. The EEG can be monitored with either a bipolar montage or a referential one. Bipolar means that you have two electrodes per channel, so you have a reference electrode.
EEG Hospital

EEG Hospital

This device can be used for routine EEG, Event-Related Potential (ERP) data acquisition for medical and research institutions.The flexible and easy-to-use software enables you to use lots of montages, including Laplacian, Bipolar, Banana, Longitudinal, Double Banana, and QEEG, for EEG recording. The Routine EEG package is coming with the eStim, which is a powerful photic stimulator and enables you to detect abnormal epileptogenic sensitivity to flickering light.

Clinical Q

The ClinicalQ Assessment examines brain activity at 5 sites as a basis for determining training plans quickly and effectively. Results from the assessment are arranged in a simple excel report, which includes notes for quick interpretation.
Clinical Q

Loreta Neurofeedback

Is now available on the latest version of eLife & Neuroguide.


Design protocol based on Neuroguide reports. Both Neurofeedback & QEEG with the Same Device Unlimited movie and music for feedback control. Robot and toy with biosignals


Optimized the best way for EXG and ERP recording.
you can do biofeedback with the same device using biosensors
Online displaying


Data Acquisition

Technology: ARM Cortex 32
Processor: 160 MHz
Data Connection: Bluetooth wireless, 1 Mb/s, up to 10 meters

Analog to Digital Converter

Number of channels: 8/24/32
ADC resolution: 24 bit 
Linearity error: 7.6 ppm (maximum) 
Sample rate: 500-1000 samples per second per channel  (up to 16000 per channel)

Bio Amplifier

Number of channels: 24
Amplifier type: Differential; DC
Common mode rejection ratio: 75 dB @ 500 Hz

Low cut filter: DC 
High cut filter: 500 Hz
Input voltage range: 2.5 V
Maximum analog input voltage: 2.5 V
Input impedance: 1000 Giga ohm

Input leakage current : 60 pA (typical)
Input capacitance:  8 pf

Other Specifications

24  AUX channels: Skin conductance, Temperature, BVP/HR

24 EXG  Channels: EMG, EEG, EOG, ECG (8 channels)

Power: Battery (Lithium, 3.7 V) , Battery Charger 5 V


Beneficial software
User Manual


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