Neurofeedback and QEEG Workshop

We successfully held the first Neurofeedback and QEEG workshop in Istanbul!

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Make your first steps in qEEG analysis with ScienceBeam.

Relying on our 20-year experience in the field of Neuroscience and Electrophysiology, this workshop is an introduction to the recording and analysis of Quantitative EEG (QEEG) for Neurofeedback practitioners who want to add qEEG to their services and methods.

This comprehensive workshop, which will be taught by Neurofeedback and qEEG experts, provides not only a broad and up-to-date exposure to the current state of qEEG and neurofeedbackو but also provides an opportunity to do Neurofeedback treatment as well as QEEG recording and analysis during hands-on sessions. All the attendees who have little or broad experience in qEEG and neurofeedback will find this meeting a comprehensive and engaging workshop that will include essential material to ensure a solid understanding of current qEEG and Neurofeedback concepts.

EEG and qEEG are valuable tools to support effective and targeted Neurofeedback training for the diagnosis of neuropsychological disorders. This three-day hands-on workshop will go over the details of EEG recording and generating a qEEG report, as well as Neurofeedback therapy with various treatment protocols. At the end of this workshop, the participants will be able to record EEGs and generate a qEEG report on their own. They will be able to provide Neurofeedback training according to the QEEG report using various treatment protocols.

This meeting takes place on the occasion of the opening of the ScienceBeam office in Istanbul. The workshops are going to be led by ScienceBeam experts in the shape of hands-on training opportunities and scientific learning classes.

#Workshop #Webinar #OnlineCourse #training #onlinecoaching #neuroscience #education

Topics to be covered in the QEEG Workshop:

  • Basics of EEG signals and brain mapping
  • EEG recording using the eWave system
  • Introduction to the Neuroguide software
  • EEG montages, different databases, asymmetry, coherence, absolute and relative powers
  • Drug effects on QEEG and brain
  • Introduction to the Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) and the QEEG researches


Topics to be covered in the Neurofeedback Workshop:

  • Introduction to the Feedback and brainwaves
  • A practical guide to Neurofeedback therapy using the eWave system
  • Diagnosis of mental disorders based on changes in the brain waves
  • Assessment of treatment protocols, such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, etc…


Program language

The scientific program will be in English to allow all participants to follow the sessions, acquire new knowledge and participate in the discussions.


Included in the registration fee

  • Access to the full scientific program and scientific lectures
  • Access to product demos organized throughout the meeting
  • Tea & coffee breaks
  • Lunch
  • Training course materials
  • A group visit to Taksim Square
  • A group tour to Princess Island (Buyukada) 
  • A group visit to Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht Istanbul Bosphorus
  • Meetings and free discussions with the experts/researchers/clinicians


Certificate of attendance

The certificate of the participant is an official document that confirms that you completed the course. Whether you’re looking to start a new career or change your current one, Professional Certificates from ScienceBeam prove to employers that you have completed the professional course and learned all the details about it.

Workshop Program Schedule

Registration and Payment

On the occasion of the opening ceremony of ScienceBeams’ office in Istanbul, you’d benefit from a %50 discount on the registration fee. You can register as an individual or as in a group, for lower registration rates. The equipment grant winners or the people who have purchased the Neurofeedback or QEEG equipment will be registered at a lower registration rate.

Note: For people who would purchase the equipment after the workshop, the workshop will be FREE.

Note: If you want to purchase Neurofeedback or QEEG equipment, this is a great opportunity! By attending the workshop, you will receive a discount on your equipment purchase.

Please fill in the registration form by clicking on the registration option. After paying your registration fee, you are requested to send your payment receipt to in order to finalize and confirm your registration.

Individual Registration

400.00 USD

Original Cost: 800.00 USD

Group Registration

More than 3 people

345.00 USD

Original Cost: 690.00 USD

Grant Winners

300.00 USD

Original Cost: 600.00 USD


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